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父爱-Fathers Love

2014-05-25 01:26
导读:初中英语作文范文,父爱-Fathers Love样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:    人们经常赞美母爱的无私。其实,父爱同样是伟大的。他们把

                                     Father's Love
      Mother's love wins people's praises for its selflessness. In fact, father's love is as great as that. They bury their love in the deep bottom of their hearts and will never show it. My father is of this kind. I remembered once I felt ill. Mother wasn't at home at that moment. Father acted as a father and as a mother as well. When he came home from work, he would cook dinner for me first. The way he fed me made me think of my kind and tender mother. His eyes were full of love and expectation. I did feel a father's love at that time.
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