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青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Are Good for us

2014-05-23 01:45
导读:初中英语作文范文,青蛙对人有益处-Frogs Are Good for us在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:    Last Saturday Wang Ping went to the fields to catch frogs.Soon he caught a fu
    Last Saturday Wang Ping went to the fields to catch frogs.Soon he caught a full bag of them. He felt very pleased because he thought he would make a lot of money after he sold them.
     A few days later, he went to the fields again. But he was surprised this time. When he went up, a crowd of insects attacked him. While crying, he threw his net and bag away, and ran away as fast as possible.


      Wang Ping wanted to catch frogs. He thought he could sell them and got much money. So he went to the fields to catch frogs.He caught and caught. Soon he caught a full bag of them. When he counted the frogs, he was very happy. He seemed to have a lot of money in his bag. He could buy something interesting to play and something nice to eat. Suddenly he saw crowds of insects attacking him. He ran away as fast as possible, but there were too many to shake off. He cried, "Get away! Get away! I don't want to see you.
     "What's the matter?" someone shook him. He opened his eyes. His mother was standing by his bed. It was a dream. He decided not to catch frogs any longer.

    突然,成群成群的蚊蝇向他袭来。他拼命逃跑,但蚊蝇太多了无法摆脱。他哭喊着:“走开!走开,我不愿意见到你们。”  “怎么啦?”有人摇着他,他睁开眼睛,只见妈站在床边。原来是个 梦。他决定不再去抓青蛙了。
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