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日记,记啥-What Can We Write in a Diary?

2014-05-23 01:45
导读:初中英语作文范文,日记,记啥-What Can We Write in a Diary?样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:    我每次写日记的时候都不知道写什么。以前对我来说,每天都

     Every time I write a diary, I don't know what to write. To me, every day is the same. I just do the routine study. Get up early in the morning,eat my breakfast, go to school, go home after class, eat my dinner, and go to sleep after I finish my homework. Then the next day I will do the same.But now I learn to look at things from another angle. I start to observe what happens around me every day; even it is a little incident. When I help a little girl cross the street, or I see something interesting, I will keep it in mind and Write it down. If I use my eyes and head more, I will know what to write in a diary.
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