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Should Parants Accept Responsibility and Also Be Punished if

2014-03-27 01:02
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Should Parants Accept Responsibility and Also Be Punished if Their Children Behave Badly?-孩子表现不 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网

Should Parants Accept Responsibility and Also Be Punished if Their Children Behave Badly?
In fact, parents play a very important role in the growing of children. However, we can't think that parents should accept responsibility and be punished if their children behave badly. Or else, it would be unfair to some parents;we should consider the question objectively.
Some parents teach their children very carefully, telling them what to do, how to do, what is wrong, and what is right. They try their best to guide their childrn, offering advice to children for their study and life. With the instruction of parents, some children behave very well. However, there are still children who behave badly. Under this circumstance, we shouldn't criticize parents if their children behave badly.
Certainly there are other kinds of parents, who are busy doing their own business day and night, ignoring the education of children. Though they offer best life to their children, they neglect to teach their children how to think properly. In this situation, parents should be punished if their children behave badly.
In a word, we should consider different situations and make objective decisions, for many factors might result in bad behaviour of children. Perhaps parents are one of the factors. Besides the above situations, there are others. Those parents who are behaving bodly may result that their children behave badly. This kind of parents should be punished.
Therefore, irresponsible parents should be punished. We should give an overall consideration to this issue.
孩子表现不好,父母是否应该负责或受罚?作者认为应国情况而论。论述比较客观,从负责任的父母和不负责任的父母两种情况来看,应采取不同的态度。议论合情合理,以理服人。 本文来自中国科教评价网

Should Parants Accept Responsibility and Also Be Punished if Their Children Behave Badly?-孩子表现不 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网
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