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The Importance of Using Words Correctly
Everybody uses words with special meanings. The more exact we are, the more likely we are to use such words. A word, properly used, can be as useful as several sentences, or even a picture.
As you study science, you will find that a diagram, a drawing, or a photograph may also help you learn and under stand. Each of these special words describes a kind of picture. It is important to learn the exact meanings of words like these. A photograph is a picture made with camara. A drawing is a picture done with a pencil, a pen or crayons. A diagram is a drawing that shows the important parts of a thing.
You will learn science words by learning their definitions. This means that you will learn how to describle what science words mean using other, more familiar words. Soon you will find how easy it is to express yourself clearly with the help of science words.
Learning to use science words correctly is not different from learning to do anything well. We learn by practising and by constantly trying to improve. It is not so important to say the definitions of words, but it is quite important that we learn to use words corretly to express ideas.