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Careful and Careless
Careful and careless are as different as fire and water. But strangely, many scientists have both these qualities, that is, they are both careful and careless. Newton, the well known English scientist, is such a person.
Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home. When they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine. But after his friend had waited for a long time, Newton still didn't come back. Finally his friend found Newton in his lab. The reason was that when Newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for the experiment he was doing, so he completely forgot his friend and the dinner. There was another time when Newton was leading a horse up a mountain holding the rein in his hand. While he was walking, he kept thinking of problems he had met in his studies. When he got to the top of the mountain, he found that the rein was not in his hand and the horse was gone.
Many scientists are careless about how they live. This is because they are too careful in their studies.
曾经有一次,牛顿邀请一位朋友到家吃饭。当他们准备好吃饭时,牛顿离开饭桌去拿一瓶酒。可是他朋友等了好久,也没有见牛顿出来。最后他朋友发现牛顿在实验室里。原来牛顿去拿酒时,突然对他正在做的实验产生了新的想法,因此,他把他朋友和饭全忘了。还有一次,牛顿赶着一匹马上山,手里抓着缰绳。他边走,边想着他在研究中所遇到的问题。当到山顶时,他发现缰绳已不在手里,马也不见了。 (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)