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不要眼高手低(Dont Aim High But Accomplish Little)

2013-07-18 01:01
导读:四级英语作文范文,不要眼高手低(Dont Aim High But Accomplish Little)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  in real life, some people often aim high but accomplish little. they dream of buying the bes

  in real life, some people often aim high but accomplish little. they dream of buying the best future for themselves, while they don't know how to perform basic duties in their daily lives. they shower themselves with endless fancy ideasmwhereas they remain powerless and unable to shoulder any heavy tassg

  why do some people aim high but accomplish little i the reasons vary. relatively speaking, some have stronger academic background, but they don't possess practical problem solving skills. some are well equipped with intelligence, but weak in will power (毅力) or physical power. and some could not establish a positive attitude(积极的态度) to their abilities.

  the side effects of aiming high but accomplishing little may be listed as follows. firstly, it makes these people unable to keep the right orientation(定位). secondly, it is likely that people may fail to seize opportunities that lead to success. thirdly, it leads to the feeling of being beaten down by fate(命运). in a word, it exerts (产生,施加) a negative influence on one's life and psychological well being (心理健康).

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