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大学生临终时的捐赠(Donate for the Dying College Stud

2013-07-17 01:02
导读:四级英语作文范文,大学生临终时的捐赠(Donate for the Dying College Stud怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  have you ever heard of the dying college students who badly need systematic medical treatmen

  have you ever heard of the dying college students who badly need systematic medical treatment but lack money ⅱ when people talk about donating to them, debate occurs. some people say donating to those dying students is nothing different from lasting their agony(痛苦 a and wasting moneyg but i would sayc why not ⅱ

  here are my reasonsg first of allmthe value of these students' future life can be realized only when they are living. another point is that although the sum of one person's donation(捐款,捐赠) may be small, sums of donations could work wonder when collected together. most importantly, these students in agony need our helping hands, not only financially but also spiritually. to some extent, our donation means our love, care and encouragement.

  accordingly, we should donate for those dying students as long as there is hope. the magnificence of the human civilization lies in paying respect to life. today our pocket money may save tomorrow's promising talents. remember, in a humanitarian(人道主义的) sense, life is the most precious property on this wonderful planet.

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