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童言(Tong made)

2013-05-21 01:09
导读:四级英语作文范文,童言(Tong made)应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:我三岁大的弟弟被叫了好几遍去上床睡觉。最后一次我妈妈用很坚决的语气对


  “you would say, ‘yes,sir!’ to a man. i’m a lady, and you would say ‘yes,ma’am,’ to a lady,” mom said. to quiz him on his lesson, she then asked him, “what would you say to daddy?”


  “yes,sir!” came the reply.


  “then what would you say to mama?”


  “yes, ma’am!” he proudly answered.


  “good boy! what would you say to grandma?”


  he lit up and said,”can i have a cookie?”


    上一篇:生活中的"砖头"(Living in the "bricks and 下一篇:没有了