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生活中的"砖头"(Living in the "bricks and

2013-05-21 01:09
导读:四级英语作文范文,生活中的"砖头"(Living in the "bricks and怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  一位年轻的总裁,以有点快的车速,开着他的新jaguar经过住宅区的巷道。



  as his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the jag's side door. he slammed on the brakes and spun the jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.


  he jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, "what was that all about and who are you? just what the heck are you doing?" building up a head of steam, he went on"that's a new car and that brick you threw is gonna cost a lot of money. why did you do it?"ys



  “please, mister, please, i'm sorry. i didn't know what else to do!”pleaded the youngster.


  "it's my brother," he said. "he rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and i can't lift him up.


    上一篇:西方人的谈吐技巧(Westerners conversation skills) 下一篇:童言(Tong made)