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in the painful transition from the central planning economy to the market economy, millions of workers have been laid off in china. as the reform process speeds up, more people will be laid off, fueling the competition in the jab markets.
the newly unemployed have diffhrent attitudes towards new jabs. complaining of the social problems and enjoying their free time, some of them just wait passively for help. moreover, they are rather fussy about government assigned jobs. their typical job requirements include good pay, decent social position, and nice working environment. to their disappointment, no such jobs are available yet and they let good opportunities slip by. in contrast, most of the unemployed are practical, facing the challenge with courage and seizing any opportunity with confidence. instead of complaining and relying on others, they are actively hunting all sorts of jobs by themselves. they attend job training schools to acquire new professional skills while holding odd jobs. since china is heavily investing in the construction of her infrastructures which provides many jobs, millions of the unemployed have found better jobs. their success depends more on their positive attitudes than anything else.
as the market economy rapidly improves in china, free competition will increasingly replace all sorts of monopolies. people will enjoy more freedom in finding good jobs. any job,just as all kinds of product, has its strengths and weaknesses. they have to change their prejudice against "indecent" jobs. it is not what jobs they do but how good they are that really counts. nobody likes to be laid off, but it can open the door to finding a better job.