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the cost of higher education continues to rise. unfortunately, it's rising faster than the supply of grant and scholarship funds. this means that students today are leaving school with greater indebtedness than ever before. and yet, student loan defaults are at an all-time low! this can only mean that students today are better informed, and better prepared to take positive steps toward financial responsibility. managing your student loan debt
responsibility toward your student loans doesn't just mean staying out of default. it also means staying out of delinquency, keeping your account current. this may not always be easy. but we think these steps will help:
* know your rights and responsibilities.
* know your repayment options.
a loan from the federal family education loan program (ffelp) offers many more options for repayment than most forms of credit.
* keep in touch.
stay in close contact with your lender or servicer.
* keep your credit cards under control.
or, better yet, avoid them completely until you know you're on solid financial ground.
* make a budget.
and make sure that it includes your monthly student loan payment.