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2014-03-11 01:21
导读:高考英语作文范文,兴趣在日常生活和学习中的作用样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:兴趣在日常生活和学习中的作用    请根据下列提示用英语写一
  请根据下列提示用英语写一篇 90~120 词的短文,,以便刊登在 21st Century 杂志上。






  生词:奇妙—— curiosity ;性别—— sex

  Everybody has his or her interest, and interests differ widely from person to person because of age, sex health and education. To some extent, interest also reflects one's ability or wish. Interest plays an important part in our daily life. As a middle school student interest is of great importance in study. If you want to learn something well, you have to show interest in it, which is quite possible. Once you have found your way into the subject, you may have also found a world of curiosities.

  In our times, interest may not only result in skill and knowledge but also lead to great inventions and discoveries. To be a successful person in the world one should develop one's interest.
    上一篇:关于河水污染的感想 下一篇:没有了