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2013-12-12 01:08
导读:高考英语作文范文,advertisements(广告),advertisements(广告)范文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:advertisements(广告) 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网   根据以下要点写一篇议
advertisements(广告) 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网

  根据以下要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告已成为当今社会很重要的一种行业,词数 100 左右。




  No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales. On the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisers provide us with great amount of the latest information. Radio, television and computer have made it possible for advertisers to attract the attention of millons of people. Therefore, it has become part of our daily life. Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will work together on it. So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs are being provided.

  Advertising is an important business.

advertisements(广告) 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网
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