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2013-12-09 01:08
导读:高考英语作文范文,Eco-travel,Eco-travel范文范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:Eco-travel 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网   Recently,our class have had a disc
Eco-travel 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文

  Recently,our class have had a discussion about an Eco-travel. Some of my classmates are in favor of going to Red River Village. They say they could swim there and go boating on it. They also say they could learn about the birds by the river. What’s more,by staying at hotels in Red River Village,they can help the villages make money so that they can take care of the river and birds. However,other students are against the idea,they prefer Snow Mountain,saying that they could go hiking and looking at other animals there. They suggest planting trees on the mountains. They also say by going there,they could help the people to keep the mountain clean to take care on the birds on the mountains.

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