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2013-10-19 01:11
导读:高考英语作文范文,征稿启事样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:  《英语拾零》征稿  【内容提示】你们学校学生会办了一份杂



你们学校学生会办了一份杂志,取名《英语拾零》(English Sidelights)。假定你是主编,请你写一则征稿启事。要点如下:










1.contribution n.稿件

2.manuscript n.手稿;原稿

3.contributor n.投稿者

4.Editorial Section 编辑组

  【作文示范】Contributions Wanted

       nglish Sidelights is a magazine intended for students in our middle school to improve their oral and spoken expressions in English. It is published on the fifteenth of every month.

Contributions in the following forms and with the following contents are warmly  welcome, such as:

a. English stories, short plays and dialogues;

b. Popular science essays, writings through pictures;

c. Experiences and suggestions on how to improve spoken English;

d. Writings about what you have learned from English grammar;

e. Methods and suggestions on how to write well in English;

f. Suggestions on English teaching methods.

Contributions are expected to be within a 2000-word limit. They should be written clearly on one side of the paper, double-spaced, with a wide margin. Manuscripts in English must be typed.

Manuscripts, if not accepted for publication, will be returned to the writer within two months. Contributors will be paid after their manuscripts are accepted in publication.

Please send your contributions to the Editorial Section in the Office of the Students' Union of this school.

Editorial Section of English

Sidelights in the Office of the

Students' Union

   【 写法指要】

  稿启事是报纸、杂志、期刊征集稿件的一种通告。这种启事包括的内容一般有:1)刊物宗旨和读者对象;2)征稿范围,稿件形式和内容要求;3)文稿写作格式等。标题里一般要有 wanted 一词,末尾署名要写杂志编辑者全称。


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