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2013-10-18 01:09
导读:高考英语作文范文,绑架范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:用大约120左右英文单词叙述下面发生的事件。事件梗概如下: 一天,一小男孩
用大约120左右英文单词叙述下面发生的事件。事件梗概如下: 一天,一小男孩被绑架,两个绑架的男子沿着一条山中小道将小男孩带进一间小屋,并威胁小男孩。 两个绑架者拿着小男孩写给其父母的信走后,小男孩躺在地上,想着逃生的办法。忽然,他看到屋角有一个玻璃瓶,心里有了一 个好主意。 第二天,小男孩得救了。

one day two men kidnapped a little boy to get money. They took him to a room along a narrow path on a hill. They drew upon the boy and ordered him to write to his parents for money. Then they locked the door and went out with the letter. The boy was lying on his back, thinking how to run away. Suddenly he found a bottle in the corner. He had a good idea. Finishing writing, he put what he had written into the bottle and covered the mouth with a lid. then he threw the bottle onto the path through the window, and lay again and waited. The next day a passer-by picked up the bottle and the boy was saved.
    上一篇:步行有益健康-Walking is good to peoples health 下一篇:没有了