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神奇的贝壳(The Magic Shell)

2013-07-25 01:16
导读:中考英语作文范文,神奇的贝壳(The Magic Shell)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  at the beach i found a magic shell, so i brought it home in my pail; and i kept it up on my

  at the beach i found a magic shell, so i brought it home in my pail; and i kept it up on my top bookshelf right under the picture whale.

  and now, whenever i wish i were back there by the shining sea, i hold the shell up close to my ear, till it brings the beach to me: all the hushing sound and the rushing sound of the seashore winds and waves are caught in my shell that i brought home.

    上一篇:篮球是我的最爱(Basketball is My Favorite) 下一篇:没有了