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遇见一个英国人(Meet an Englishman)

2013-07-23 01:00
导读:中考英语作文范文,遇见一个英国人(Meet an Englishman)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  i went out to see a film after supper. on my way to the cinema, i met an englishman named jo

  i went out to see a film after supper. on my way to the cinema, i met an englishman named john, who had lost his way. i gave up the chance to see the film and took him to his hotel. while going there, i told him the great changes that had taken place here in the past few years and john told me something about his country.

  though i had missed the film, i felt very happy, for i had not only helped john get out of trouble, but also practised my spoken english. if i had not worked hard at english, i would not have been able to help john.

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