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献给妈妈一朵花(A flower for my mum)

2013-05-08 18:11
导读:献给妈妈一朵花(A flower for my mum)

  it is “mother's day” today. liz wants to buy some things for her mum, then an idea comes to her, she comes into a flower shop but a brunch of a flower is very expensive for her. so liz comes to the hill. she thinks her mother will be glad. but on her way home, she meets many children from grade 1.

  they want to give their mother a flower, too. so liz gives them each one. liz only left one at last. she wants to pick more, but it's too late, her mother will be worried. so she gives the flower to mum and says“thank you, mum. i love you. happy ‘mother's day'.”her mother is very proud of liz..

  i think on next year's mother's day, i will give a flower to my mum too, and thank for what she have done for me all these years.

    上一篇:妈妈病了,我们怎么办?(Mum is ill. What will you do? 下一篇:没有了