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歌舞青春影评(high school musical)
i heard the film's name , but i had no chance to appreciate it until last night , i have appreciated it .
the students are very cool, they are good at playing basketball or learning . in a word , i like them, like their life , they are really happy high school students.
i like the first song, " start of something new " , that been sung on the new year eve. yes, we should try something new, so we can know everything around us is very interesting . it's only do some new things can we find that we have a gift for that.
when troy found he liked music, he wanted to try it . there so many mountains before him. he must play basketball and sang songs in the same day. his dad wanted him to get his head into the game, because he was the playmaker in the " wildcat team ". at the end, his parents and gaberilia helped him to do them in the same day. they were very smart, he and gaberilia had got the applause . doing something you can do is very important .
music is good for studying, which can make you relaxed. at the end i know believe in yourself , you are the playmaker of yourselves , do your best so that everyone can know you , or you are lost in the crowd.