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Mr Shao taught me English when I was in Senior Three.With the bald head and hunchback, the fifty or some man distinguished himself from his counterparts in many ways.
He was so addicted to tobacco that he couldn't even skip acigarette in the corridor at the interval between two classes. Due to the long time consumption of cigarettes, his teeth had gone totally bad and occasionally let off unpleasant smell which really disturbed us when we were talking to him. At times, he came to recognize it and consequently found out a solution. He suggested we write down our problems and he answer them in the written form. Although I knew all along that he was a careful man, his quotations of five different dictionaries on a single multiple choice problem was still beyond my wildest dream.
What's more, none of us could imagine how excellent his ancient Chinese literature was. What he tended to do in his class was to recite several segments of the famous ancient prose and then put them into English. However, under the pressure of College Entrance Exam, the students didn't seem to be so interested in his performance. Therefore, he tried to stimulate the class by editions of Times as prizes for answering questions. It worked on us instantly.
On the day of the entrance exam, he waited nervously with us out of the examination room. He kept reminding us not to drink water in case that we would feel like going to toilet during the exam. Not withstanding his constant claims that we students were far less important than his beloved daughter, we did feel his devotion to us.
简 评
作者对细节的描写令人印象深刻。通篇没有一句评论或赞美之辞,只是叙述了日常生活中的点滴小事,表现出教师对学生无微不至的关怀。如老师怕身上的烟味熏着学生,提议用书面交流;为鼓励学生扩大英语知识面,巧用有奖问答作奖励;高考前反复叮嘱等,真实可信,感人至深。结尾处貌似随意提到老师把女儿和学生做比较,巧妙的体现出教师爱生如子的朴素情怀。文章文风朴实,语句通畅,用词准确,表现力很强。 (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.com发布)