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部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲

2014-12-20 02:40
导读:高中英语作文范文,部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes,部位记人:母亲怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes 英语作文网整理收集 母亲的眼睛【内
部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes 英语作文网整理收集

My Mother's Eyes
My mother has a pair of quick eyes which can speak. When I suffer setbacks①,her eyes seem to say,“Be brave, dear!”
When I was a baby learning to walk with great difficulty, my mother always lent me a hand and her eyes seemed to say,“Be brave and try again, dear!” Encouraged by her eyes, I stood up and moved bravely inch by inch toward her. When I threw myself into her arms at last, her eyes shone with happiness.
Later, the more I learned, the more difficulties I met with. But my mother's eyes always encouraged me. For example, when I was learning how to ride a bike, I was clumsy② and fell off over and over again. I was discouraged. But her firm eyes stared at me, telling me to be brave and try again. With her encouragement I could ride my bike very well before long.
When I failed in exams, my mother wouldn't blame me. On the contrary what I did in my papers would open her eyes to find my mistakes. And she would help me find out the reasons and want me to take my courage in both hands③.
Now I have grown up and don't have to depend so much on my mother. But whenever I suffer a setback, I feel as if my mother's eyes flashed across my mind with her encouraging words:“Be brave, dear!”
①setback ['setb$k] n.挫折;失败
②clumsy ['kl)mzi] a.不灵活的;笨拙的

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

③take one's courage in both hands勇往直前
本文描写了“母亲”的一双敏锐、沉着、闪亮、果断的眼睛。每当作者遇到困难的时候就会感到这双眼睛在注视着自己,就会受到启发和激励。全文分为四个阶段,但贯穿着一个主题,即“be brave”和“encourage”。就是说,文章用多次重复“be brave”和“eyes”,反复使用同根词“courage, encourage, discouraging, encouragement”的手法使上下文连贯,集中对付引言段中出现的“setbacks”,使全文达到高度的统一(unity)。

部位记人:母亲的眼睛-My Mothers Eyes 英语作文网整理收集
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