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2014-05-05 01:09
导读:高中英语作文范文,侦探故事你认为阿诺德·惠斯科有罪吗?-Do 范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:你认为阿诺德·惠斯科有罪吗?【内容提示】阿诺德·惠斯科是一个嫌疑犯

Do You Think Arnold Whisker Is Guilty?
Arnold Whisker is at the police station. The police are asking him about a bank-robbery① which happened on April 25th. They think he did it.A detective② asked Arnold:“What were you doing on April 25th?” Arnold told him about that day.
There are a lot of mistakes in Arnold's story. First he said his suit was blue, but later he said it was green. There are seven other mistakes like that. Can you find them? Here's his story:
In April I was living in Castle Street, at No. 32. I had a little flat there. The flat was in the basement ③. The 25th? Yes, that was a Tuesday. That Tuesday morning, I got up very early. The house was very quiet. In fact it was completely empty. I put on my blue suit, and left my flat. I didn't have any breakfast, because I didn't have a cooker in that flat.
I went down the stairs to the ground floor. I met Mrs. Jackson in the hall. She said, “Good morning, Mr. Whisker. Where are you going? That's a lovely green suit.”
I said, “I'm going for a walk.”
“In this weather!”she answered.
I said, “I know it's cold, but I'll be OK. I've got my scarf④ and gloves.”
No one saw me in the street . In fact, all the streets were empty. It was a typical⑤ Sunday. I walked all morning in the hot sunshine. At midday I had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon I went to the cinema. It was a good film----a horror⑥ film. It lasted an hour. I came out of the cinema about eleven o'clock. I got home and felt very hungry. “That's because I didn't have any lunch,”I thought. So I went into my kitchen, and cooked some supper. Then I went to bed. That's all.

The detective found the seven mistakes in the story. Did you?

① bank-robbery['b$Rk 'r&b+ri] n. 银行抢劫案② detective [di'tektiv] n. 侦探③ basement ['beism+nt] n. 地下室;底层④ scarf [ska:f]n. 围巾;头巾⑤typical ['tipik+l] a. 典型的;代表性的⑥ horror ['h&r+] a. (文学作品、电影等)意在引起恐怖的

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