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吹气球-Blowing Balloons

2014-05-06 01:18
导读:初中英语作文范文,吹气球-Blowing Balloons在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:Blowing Balloons   Blowing balloons is an interesting game. You may have some idea
Blowing Balloons
   Blowing balloons is an interesting game. You may have some ideas of it. It is of great value to your health, especially to those who are fat. People usually make an airless balloon halfairfilled, put it on the hand, then blow it hard. Shortly after it flies up, his partner blows it away towards the opposite party. And the opposite blows it back. Repeat doing so until the balloon drops onto the follr. Any party onto whose floor the balloon drops will be the loser. So any party who tries to control the balloon's direction and blows it with great efforts will make the balloon fly straight to the other party and will have more opportunities to win.
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