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我的第一个布丁-My First Pudding

2014-05-05 01:09
导读:初中英语作文范文,我的第一个布丁-My First Pudding怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考: My First Pudding   I was young and flesh, jush approaching fifteen. I th
My First Pudding
   I was young and flesh, jush approaching fifteen. I thought I could do many things. In fact, I had never tried any of them, but I had read about them in books. One day I heard my teacher praising me to my mother. I felt quite flattered. However, on second thoughts, wasn't Italented? Indeed, Ithought I could manage to do everything, "Where there is a will, there is a way!" was my motto.
   How to prove it? A nice idea came into my mind; that was to make a pudding. After i making up my mind, I began the work. Er…how to start? Yes, I remembered what I read in a magazine. Some flour, some sugar, severas eggs, two apples. These were what I meeded First I heated some water. Then I began to mix the flour with some water in a basin. When I finished this task, I whittled the apples into very small piedes. Finally I mixed everything together.
   The water was boiling. I put the basin into the water. I felt tired but very happy. I sat there thinking about the delicious pudding, which made my mouth water. Ten minutes passed, and it hadn't been ready. So I went to the living-room to watch my favorite cartoons. I smelt something burnt before I remembered I had steamed a pudding. Oh, my first pudding!
   Suddenly, I felt my self-confidence had gone. I wasn't able to do everything. I had a lot to learn. This experience did me good greatly.
   怎么证明这一切呢?我想到了一个好主意,做一个布丁。一下决心,我就开始工作。呃……怎么开始呢?对了,我想起一本杂志上教的方法。一些面粉,一点糖,几个鸡蛋,两个苹果,这就是我所需要的。首先,我烧了点水,然后开始和面;和好面后,我把苹果切成非常小的块;最后把所有的东西都和在一起。 (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
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