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初中应用文作文 | 英语应用文作文 |


2013-04-11 18:05
导读:英语应用文作文范文,社交书信常用句怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:感谢信常用句1. Thank you for your help in locating the newspaper article I was searching

1. Thank you for your help in locating the newspaper article I was searching for yesterday.
2. Thanks to your efforts we had our most successful outdoor activity ever.
3. I want to compliment your organization on its speedy handling of my order.
4. We would like to thank you for your service as a volunteer.
5. We would be honored to have you as a guest speaker again in the future should your schedule permit.
6. We sincerely appreciate your humanitarian efforts.
7. We are fortunate to have you with us.

1. I am so pleased/glad/delighted/thrilled to hear that…
2. Please add my warmest congratulations to 。。
3. It was a great pleasure to hear the good news that …
4. Congratulations on your recent promotion.
5. Please accept my congratulations on。.

Best Wishes for the Future
(a) I wish you every success.
(b) All the very best for the future.
(c) I rejoice in your good future.
(d) May your future be as successful as you have always been.

1. I am sorry that I couldn’t attend your party because…
2. I wish I didn’t give you too much trouble.
3. I regret that my carelessness has caused you too much inconvenience.
4. Much to my regret that…
5. I must apologize here…
6. I am writing to ask you for forgivingness.
7. Let me apologize here that…

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