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2013-05-07 18:16

国庆的中国人会欢迎*周年两天后,十月一日在北京,在天安门广场是超过30万瓶鲜花,毛主席的旧偶像是随着时间的改变而改变,一个新的一挂在天安门建筑在南京,桂花节,雾雨文化节,尽览莫愁湖gulin公园、烧烤节期间将举行全国的日子. 在重庆,超过XX名的灯光在桥的新生,欢迎全国的日子. 国庆节期间,提升国家falg仪式上,一场全国性的音乐和展览将爱国主义的电影,在杭州举办。
  众所周知,大家:10月1日是我们的国庆日在这一天,我去了街道,看见一个. 现在我要告诉你!
  什么更有更多的人! 在我看来这不是很有趣的出来,在这一天!”下一次我宁愿呆在家里学习!国庆节夜晚的航海sthe对我从来就不感兴趣。生在城市,长在城市,我已经厌倦了亮度的霓虹灯和伟大的摩天大楼在上海。

celeberate the *th national day  chinese people will welcome the 55th national day two days later,october 1th.in beijing,the tian'anmen square is decorated by more than 300,000 pots of flowers,the chairman mao's old icon is changed by a new one hanging on the tian'anmen building.in nanjing,sweet-scented osmanthus festival,misty rain culture festival in mochou lake,barbecue festival in gulin park will be held during the national day.in chongqing,more than 2,000 of lights on bridge are renewed to welcome the national day.during the national day period,raising the national falg ceremony,a concert of national music and an exhibition of patriotic films will be held in hangzhou,zhejing province.


happy national day!

national day
it is known to everyone:oct,1st is our national day.at this day i went to street and saw something.now i will tell you!
what were worse there were even more people!in my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!nest time i prefer to stay at home and study! the night of sthe national day hanghai has never appealed to me. city born and city bred, i've got tired of the brightness of neon signs and the grandeur of skyscrapers in shanghai.
     but on this year's national day, i spent a whole night roaming nanjing road and the bund  the symbol of the modern material shanghai, with my roommates.  it's the first time that i went out with them. with the huge amount of tourists, we could only wander with the cluster of people, having no destination. in the crowd, we entertained ourselves singing, joking and chatting, leaving all the worries, pressures and unhappiness behind,until mid night. tired as we were, we still felt very happy. my roommates were quite impressed by the beauty, prosperity and the liveliness of shanghai. but for me, all these were none of my business.  what i treasured was the time i shared with them though that night shanghai was so charming that she seemed to be one of the leading cities in the world.

上一篇:国庆七天的安排 下一篇:没有了