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2013-06-09 01:10
导读:教师节作文范文,教师节感谢师恩英语作文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:How We Spent Teachers' Day Yesterday was Teachers' Day. It was a GREat dale for all t

How We Spent Teachers' Day

Yesterday was Teachers' Day. It was a GREat dale for all the teachers and also a happy time for us students. In the morning,we went to school early and put a bunch of flowers on our class master's desk to give him a big surprise. Some of us stood at the school gate to say hello to every teacher when they entered the school. In the afternoon, we held a party. We sang and danced with the teachers. they said the best reward for the teachers was to see that we were making proGREss.

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