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family has a great influence on our personal development. if we are from a happy family, we tend to be cheerful and optimistic. if we are brought up in an unhappy family, we may grow up miserable and pessimistic. if we are not loved by our family, we may not learn to love others.
an ideal family should be a place where we can get warmth, help, comfort and strength. it should also be a source of laughter, and a good means to lessen the tension and pressure we all face every day. a family should be a place where we can cultivate our self-confidence, which is crucial to our further development and to our mental health.
since family plays a very important role in our life, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. we should be considerate and understanding. we should love and show concern for each other. we should strive to establish a happy family. after all, if every family is happy, the whole society will be stable.