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幸福的眼泪(Happy tears)

2013-05-29 01:14
导读:六级英语作文范文,幸福的眼泪(Happy tears)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  you share openly  i understand your pain  i know your sadness  

  you share openly

  i understand your pain

  i know your sadness

  i am filled with compassion

  for you

  for me

  new beginnings

  happy endings

  our love story begins

  completion, resolution, peace

  we are woven from the same cloth

  i embrace our oneness

  i belong

  in the circle of your love

  in the circle of my love


  tears of joy

  song of soul

  angels are singing

  at last, together in love

    上一篇:让我们继续微笑(Let us continue to smile) 下一篇:五台山(Mount Wutai)