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谁签署了独立宣言(Who signed the Declaration of Indepe

2013-05-25 01:13
导读:六级英语作文范文,谁签署了独立宣言(Who signed the Declaration of Indepe应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:  a kentucky teacher was quizzing her students. "johnny, who signed the declaration of in

  a kentucky teacher was quizzing her students. "johnny, who signed the declaration of independence?"

  he said, "damn if i know."

  she was a little put out(激怒) by his swearing, so she told him to go home and to bring his father with him when he came back.

  next day, the father came with his son, sat in the back of the room to observe.

  she started back in on her quiz and finally got back to the boy. "now, johnny, i'll ask you again. who signed the declaration of independence?"

  "well, hell, teacher," johnny said, "i told you i didn't know."

  the father jumped up in the back, pointed a stern finger at his son, and said, "johnny, if you signed that damn thing, hell, you damn well better admit it!"

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