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相似或不同的朋友(Similar or different friends)

2013-05-07 18:16
导读:六级英语作文范文,相似或不同的朋友(Similar or different friends)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  similar or different friendsone of the themes(论题) universal(普通性) to the literature

  similar or different friendsone of the themes(论题) universal(普通性) to the literature(文学) of all languages is friendship. humans need the enjoyment, warmth and laughter shared with others.having a group of similar friends, we can feel a sense of strength when they share our opinions, and ambitious(野心勃勃的, 有雄心的) person kike an artist or politician may feel a special need to be surrounded by people who assist and encourage him in his pursuit.

  furthermore, old friends know how to be harmonious(协调的) with one another and how to avoid potential(潜在的) arguments. the well-known, great friendship between marx and engels is very touching(感人的) and typical example of bosom(知心的) friends.nonetheless, practically speaking, we all need to advance in life. most of us have to make new friends when we leave school and seek employment. new friends can lead to new adventures, new career opportunities(机会) and new life.

  likewise, different friends can help us on different occasions when we encounter(遭遇) obstacles(障碍). a different friends is also a mirror which can reflect your virtues(善) and shortcomings. from him, you can find what you lack and you can learn what you need. when viewed from these perspective(透视图), different friends may do more in shaping you than the similar ones.no matter how similar they are, every two friend shave differences. and now matter how different they are, they have at least one similarity(相似): the faith in friendship. with the sincere friendship, you can find shelter(遮盖物) from danger, courage in need, and hands ready to help; open your heart to your friends, whether they are similar to or different from you, and you may become the luckiest man.

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