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Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City-某城市交通

2014-09-13 03:35
导读:四级英语作文范文,Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City-某城市交通怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City     Traffic accidents are
Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City

     Traffic accidents are one of the most serious problems in modern cities. Many people have lost their lives every year.
     The two graphs show the comparison of traffic accident cycles in a city for the past two years (2003 and 2002). In each graph, the arrow indicates the annual average point for each traffic accident. The chart for 2003 tells us that most traffic accidents happened in December, while early spring(March) has a relatively higher percent. Traffic accidents decrease from April to October, and July has the lowest percentage of traffic accidents for 2003.
     In 2002, the low points lasted for five months, from May,to September. The yearly peak of accidents was in February.In comparison with that in 2003, the percentage of peak points decreased by 30%. The variation between monthly traffic accident percentages is much less than that of 2003.

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