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2014-09-07 01:06
导读:四级英语作文范文,Smoking-吸烟样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:Smoking 1.众所周知吸烟有害健康。2.许多国家的政府已采取措施减


2.许多国家的政府已采取措施减少香烟消费。                                                                        3.但是没有任何国家禁止香烟销售。                                                                                      

     It is known to everyone that srnoking is harmful to our health. Research conducted in many countries has indicated that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and various respiratory illnesses.
     Responding to overwhelming medical evidence of the harnful effects of smoking, many governments have taken actions to reduce tabacco consumption. Some have imposed heavy taxes on tabacco products, others have conducted anti-smoking campaigns.In theatres,cinemas and some public places nonsmoking is often demanded by authorities. 
     However, none of the governments have even considered prohibiting the sale of tobacco. This is due partly to the political power of the big tobacco companies and partly to the fact that so many people, particularly in influential position in society, are habitual smokers. Tobacco farmers and workers are also strongly opposed to legislation. In fact, smoking is not only a matter of habit but also a matter of profits. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
吸  烟

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