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What is Life About ?(生活的意义)

2014-08-14 01:40
导读:四级英语作文范文,What is Life About ?(生活的意义)应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:      What is Life About ?     What is life abo
      What is Life About ?
     What is life about? We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health, time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love to do. One day when we look back, we will realize that we don't really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
     Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition. Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.
     Life is a balance of work and play, family and personal time. You have to decide how you want to balance your life.Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,the whole aim of human existence. So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile. Life is short. Do not take life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy life!
    生活不是赚钱,不是去追求权利和别人的认可。生活绝对不只是工作!  工作只是帮助我们去生存,以便于我们享受生活中的荚丽和快乐。

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)


    上一篇:DiY(自己动手) 下一篇:Money and the Meaning of Life(金钱与生命的意义)