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Clowns Are Fun
Clowns like to make people laugh. They paint their faces and put on funny noses. Sometimes they put on a sad face but most of the time they put on a happy face. They also wear funny clothes.
Most downs work in circuses. They do ail kinds of silly things to make the audience laugh. They run, jump, fall down, turn somersaults, and roil over. They ride donkeys backwards. They push each other in wagons or wheelbarrows. Sonetimes they shout and sing. Clowns are funny men, and occasionally, women, too! A circus is not a circus without clowns!
Children especially enjoy watching clowns. A clown named cookie often visits hospitals to entertain sick children as well as older people. Sick people need to laugh, which helps them to get better faster.
There is an old saying: "Laughter is good medicine."