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Salt Lakes of the World-世界上的咸水湖,Salt Lakes of t

2014-04-01 04:29
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Salt Lakes of the World-世界上的咸水湖 英语作文网收集整理 作文网

Salt Lakes of the World
The most famous salt lake in the world is the Dead Sea, in the Middle Eart. Water is lost into the air because of the heat of the sun, and the salt stays in the lake. It is also very lowlying, at around 395 metres below sea level. However, it is not the saltiest lake in the world. The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 parts of salt per thousand, is even saltier.
The water of the Dead Sea contains about 250 parts of salt to every thousand parts of water, or 25% by weight. It is so salty that it is difficult to swim or dive, as your body floats on the surface. What has made this lake so salty? The minerals are partly supplied by hundreds of natural springs which flow into the Dead Sea, and partly by the River Jordan. It is called the Dead Sea because very few things can live in such salty water. There is very little rain here, merely 60mm in a year on average. The minerals stay in the lake, because there is no river flowing out of the lake.

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

Salt Lakes of the World-世界上的咸水湖 英语作文网收集整理 作文网
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