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Washington D. C.
Washington, District of Columbia became the Capital of the United States in 1800.
Government is Washington's main business. Here Congress meets to make laws. Here the highest court in the country convenes -- the Supreme Court. One of every three people in Washington works for the US government.There's plenty of work to be done, tool Here in Washington are the busy "main offices" of many government departments like the Post Office and the Treasury.
The library of Congress is one of the world's largest libraries. In the National Archives building, important documents are kept. You can have the thrill of seeing the original Declaration of Independence!
Washington is one of the loveliest capitals in the world.It's a city of wide avenues (one named for every state), green parks, white marble buildings and impressive monuments like
the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials.
Do you want to come and pay a visit?
华盛顿是世界上最可爱的首都之一。这座城市有许多宽阔的大道(每条大道都以一个州名来命名),有郁郁葱葱的公园、有乳白色的大理石的建筑,还有像杰斐逊纪念堂和林肯纪念堂这样一些动人的建筑物。 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。