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nowadays, college students pay more and more attention to optional courses because they consider them a good way to enrich their knowledge. recently, some universities have begun allowing students to choose the teachers of some optional lectures.
when it comes to choosing teachers, students often have the following considerations. first, they are convinced that teachers should be knowledgeable and should be experts in the fields they teach. second, teachers should be responsible and great importance should be attached to adequate preparation for the courses. only by meeting these two requirements will teachers be the best choice for students.
allowing students to choose teachers will give rise to both benefits and problems. the advantages include the fact that competent and respectable teachers will stand out and students will be more willing to take optional courses. however, schools may give too much power to students and this may result in teacher's complaints and disorder in teaching programs. so schools should weigh both the advantages and the disadvantages, and try to satisfy the students'needs as well as arrange the lecturers in a sensible way.