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聪明的男孩(A Clever Boy)

2013-06-29 01:28
导读:四级英语作文范文,聪明的男孩(A Clever Boy)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教作文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  one fine morning in summer, four boys--john, tom, ted and peter--were playing football in a

  one fine morning in summer, four boys--john, tom, ted and peter--were playing football in a wood. all of a sudden john kicked a high ball. ted tried to catch it, but failed.so he ran after the ball, but unfortunatcly it fell into a hole. the four boys wanted to get it back. but the hole was too deep for them to reach the ball. they were very anxious, because the ball was borrowed from a friend.

  seeing this, peter disappeared and came back with a big bucket of water, then he poured water into the hole.the ball floated up when the hole was full of walter. they promptly picked the ball up and went on with their game.

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