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医院布局(The Layout of a Hospital)

2013-06-17 01:05
导读:四级英语作文范文,医院布局(The Layout of a Hospital)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  near the gate,on the west side of the road is the emergency department.oposite the emergency

  near the gate,on the west side of the road is the emergency department.oposite the emergency department across the main road is the out-patient department.

  the building to the southwest of the lakeis the dispensary, which face the surgery department lying on the other side of the road.along the west wall,from south to north,stand three buildings: the physician department,the eye,ear,and throat department,and the dental department,laboratory is to the northwest of the round about,and beside the laboratory,the x-ray department is located on the same side of the road.

  a winding road by the lake leads to the ward.near the end of the main road,the administrative building is situated on the east side.the hospital is nicely and conveniently laid out

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