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some people think that children from only-child families have more merits than shortcomings. firstly, they value free will and will not accept orders blindly. secondly, they love trying out new methods and are full of creative ideas. thirdly, they have a thirst for upgrading their knowledge. lastly, they expect others to treat them as indispensable partners of the team.
however, some people believe that the only children have more shortcomings than merits. for example, many show much dependence on parents. and some never learn to do elementary household chores. it is even worse that most tend to be spoiled, irrational and self-centered. they are "the little emperors" in families and schools.
according to my understanding, their merits and shortcomings are equally "eyecatching". commenting on the only children is a science and an art as well. their progress should be reviewed. school, family and society must give them room to use their creativity, skills and ideas. remember, don't lavish them with too much concern and material goods, or "the little emperors" today will not be their own masters tomorrow.