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2014-07-03 01:03
导读:考研英语作文范文,NOTICE样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:三年纪的英语老师张利从今天起请病假1周,通知1,2 班的同学 。一班周一3,
三年纪的英语老师张利从今天起请病假1周,通知1,2 班的同学 。一班周一3,4节的英语课调到周3的5,6节;2班周二1,2节的英语课到周4的5,6节。
请同学们按时上课,发通知者为教务处(DEAN‘S OFFICE)时间为3月30日

Ms Zhang, the English teacher of Grade three, is leaving for a week because for sickness. Therefore, some adaption have to be made. Here are notice for you: Class1-- class on Monday courses3 and 4 change to Wednesday ourses 5and6.Class2--class on Tuesday courses1 and 2 change to Thursday courses5and6.Please prepare for the class.

30th Mar

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