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2014-04-02 01:00
导读:考研英语作文范文,我要她自己决定_英语教学论文,我要她自己决定应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:我要她自己决定_英语教学论文 英语作文网为您收集 N why not moved out to her home
我要她自己决定_英语教学论文 英语作文网为您收集 N why not moved out to her hometown?

  B that’s what her parents want.

  N she wants you too.

  B yes.

  N then why not.

  B I’d love that very much, but not now.

  N you got to work.

  B yes.

  N so either she decide to be with you or not. 『所以只能是她决定是否和你在一起或者是分开。』

  B no, I want her to decide for herself…I am not pushing her into any decisions…『我不强迫她做任何决定』I am letting her make up her own mind because I am not going to stand between her and her parents. 『我要她自己决定,我不想让她在她父母和我之间左右为难。』

  N you will support her whatever it is. 『你会支持她的决定。』

  B whatever, I will support her because I do love her.

  N she is a lucky girl.

  B so am I.

  N you told me sth I never knew before, which makes us a little closer『让我们感觉更近了。』.

  B nikky, I’m afraid that there is going to be a long time before we can meet online again, I am about to have a business trip. 『是的,nikky,我想会有很长一段时间我们不能见面了,我要出差了。』

  N oh, when will you come back?

  B I don’t&nbs我要她自己决定_英语教学论文 英语作文网为您收集
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