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when asked for help, sometimes we will say “no”. for instance, if a friend who has just killed someone should borrow money from us in order to escape, most of us would not hesitate a moment to say “no” to him.
however, there are always some people who will not say “no” when they should. they choose not to say “no” chiefly for two reasons. in the first place, they don’t want to hurt others’ feelings. in the second place, they are afraid that their request for help, if there should be any in the future, would also be turned down.
what would the result be if you do not say “no” when you should? in some cases, you might not only put yourself in trouble but also bring harm to the whole society. as in the case mentioned above, if you should lend money to the murderer, you would undoubtedly be put into prison once found out. what is worse, should your so-called friend succeed in running away, he would remain a time-bomb to the society. how dangerous it would be! therefore, we must learn to say “no” in some cases.