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贫富差距(Gap between the Rich and the Poor)

2013-08-26 01:06
导读:考研英语作文范文,贫富差距(Gap between the Rich and the Poor)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  now there is a widespread concern(广泛关注) in china over the widening gap between the r

  now there is a widespread concern(广泛关注) in china over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. we are surprised to learn that a pop singer can make over a hundred thousand yuan for one performance overnight, while it may take an average farmer his lifetime to earn that much.

  the cause lies in three aspects. first, the gap is the result of the economic reform(经济体制改革). some seize the opportunities and become millionaires by working hard and meanwhile the slow development in agriculture hinders(阻碍) the farmers from raising their living standards and the closedown of many state-owned(国营) enterprises renders the jobless poverty-stricken. second, the current distributing(分配)of income is not scientific and reasonable, thus widening the income difference.third, while most make money honestly, there are some dishonest(不诚实) businessmen and government officials who have accumulated large fortunes by illegal(违法的)ways. to narrow the gap, the government should take effective actions to help the poor, and meanwhile strictly enforce(严格实施) laws to eliminate corruption(腐败) in government. on the other hand, reform on income distribution should be carried out and strict income taxation(税) should be made more workable and effective to narrow people's income gap. and finally, the traditional "law of value" and "principle (原则)of more pay for more work" should have their final say.

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