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怎样处理亚健康(How to Deal with Sub-health)

2013-07-25 01:16
导读:考研英语作文范文,怎样处理亚健康(How to Deal with Sub-health)范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教作文网海量范文供你参考:  with the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved mat

  with the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life.

  at the same time we may gradually find ourselves confronted with the threat of sub-health, a state between health and disease.

  one typical symptom of sub-health is continual fatigue; the victims always feels tired and suspicious of some disease, which, however, the active followers of material life yielded through their tense and hard work.

    上一篇:做人要诚实(It Pays to Be Honest) 下一篇:立场(position about it)