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移动电话(Mobile Phones)

2013-07-21 01:02
导读:考研英语作文范文,移动电话(Mobile Phones)样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教作文网提供的这篇文章不错:  a mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag. it is smart

  a mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag. it is smart. if you need to ring someone, you just press the numbers and the phone will connect you to the right number. you can take it with you wherever you go.

  a cordless phone also has no wires. it can be useful in the office or the factory. imagine that you are working in an office and a suctomer calls you asking for some information.

  if you have a cordless phone, you can carry it with you and look up the information that your caller wants. in other words, you can walk to a distant part of the office or factory to check the information without putting the phone down.

  one new model has lately been developed for business people. with this phone, you do not have to look up the number of the percon you want to ring. the phone has a small computer in it. you say the name of the person you want to ring. the phone recognizes the name and then dials the corret number. you can record up to 20 different names on this kind of phone. if you are a person who offen forgets people's telephone numbers this could be the phone for you. however you have to remember their names.

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