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2013-05-23 01:23
导读:考研英语作文范文,天使(Angel)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教作文网提供各种参考范例:  god replied: "among the many angels, i have chosen one for you. she will be waiting for

  god replied: "among the many angels, i have chosen one for you. she will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

  "but, " said the child: "tell me here in heaven i don‘t anything else but sing and smile.

  that‘s what i need to be happy!"

  god said: "your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. and you will feel your angel‘s love and be happy."

  "and," said the child: "how am i going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if i don‘t know the language that men talk?"

  "that‘s easy", said god: "your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."

  the child looked up at god saying: "and what am i going to do when i want to talk to you?"

  god smiled at the child saying: "your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

  the child said: "i‘ve heard on earth there are bad men. who will protect me?"

  god put his arm around the child, saying: "your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!"

  the child looked sad, saying: "but i will always be sad because i will not see you anymore."

  god hugged the child: "your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you he way to come back to me, even though i will always be next to you."

  at that moment there was much peace in heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

  the child, in a hurry, asked softly: "oh god, if i am about to leave now please tell my angel’s name!"

  god replied: "your angel‘s name is of no importance...you will simply call her mommy!"

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